Health and Fitness/Workouts

Why I Love Kettlebell Workouts

Training with dumbbells is something I’ve always done, but I only ever considered, and even heard of, using the kettlebell a few months ago.

I was becoming incredibly bored with dumbbell exercises, so I read up on the kettlebell and why it is different than the dumbbell.

Here are some of the things I learned about training with a kettlebell:

1.You learn how to improve your balance and coordination.  The kettlebell is a strange weight-it is a heavy ball with a handle, much different than a regular weight.  Therefore, whenever you substitute the dumbbell with a kettlebell, you have to learn how to balance it because your muscles never had to balance a dumbbell! Try doing a single-legged deadlift with a kettlebell, and you will see what I mean about learning how to balance!

2.You torch calories.  Many exercises with a kettlebell require more than one muscle to complete, mainly because of the balance aspect.  More muscles used=more calories burned.

3.You get more toned.  Since more muscles are used with nearly every kettlebell exercise, more muscles have the opportunity to get toned, with just one exercise.  Case in point:  the swing.  The KB swing is AMAZING.  It uses nearly muscle group to get that thing swung between your legs, and then back up to your chest.

It is beyond my favorite exercise.  I usually perform 30-40 KB swings at the beginning of each set during my workout, and at the end to complete my workouts.

4.They are FUN.  Of course, you can do any exercise with a dumbbell, but trying to balance a heavy ball-shaped weight, along with your muscles during certain exercises, is just more fun.  Imagine falling over while doing the windmill or the single-legged deadlift; you will laugh your ass off at yourself.

So-kettlebells help you improve balance and coordination; they help you burn more calories; they help you tone better, and they are fun? I wish I had used these earlier in my fitness routine!

Recently, I have been doing workouts that incorporate BOTH the dumbbell and the kettlebell.  I only have one 25 pound kettlebell, simply because they are so darn expensive.  So with exercises that involve two weights used at once (military presses and shoulder presses), I use my 2 twenty pound DB’s.

Incorporating both weights have made my workouts so much more fun and challenging.  I have some favorite kettlebell exercises that help improve my arms, back, and butt.  Here are some good ones I use in all of my workouts:

-Single-legged deadlifts (great for legs, butt, and back)

-Swings (great for nearly every muscle)

-Clean and presses (great for biceps, shoulders, and back)

-Goblet squats with thrusters or high pulls (great for butt and arms)

-High pulls (great for shoulders and back)

-Bent over rows (great for triceps and back)

Below is a workout I created using just the kettlebell weight, and is one I typically go to if I want a great workout and to sweat:

If you haven’t tried the kettlebell yet, give it a shot.  You will quickly see how effective it is.