
Mom Flies Into Church On Scooter


I’m laughing as I typed the title for this article.  I can picture her on her scooter, driving full speed through the church’s doors, and landing in the aisle.  Here is what I imagine:

Photo Credit: wsrsolutions.com

Due to having Stage 4 Breast Cancer, my mom has a difficult time walking around, so she typically uses a scooter to get around on day trips or during times that require lots of walking.

Now, my mom hasn’t mastered the scooter yet, in my opinion at least.  She either goes too slow, or too fast to the point where I am afraid she’s going to hit someone or flip herself over.  To her defense, her scooter is really sensitive.  I once rode it and moved the lever ever so slightly, only to find myself flying back because the scooter went faster than I had anticipated.

But still, she has been using it for awhile now, so she should be used to its touchiness.

Apparently not.

My mom went on a road trip to Oklahoma with my dad and her sister.  They packed the scooter so she could check out the sites.

One day during their trip, they visited a local church in the town they visited.

For whatever reason, she decided to enter the church with her scooter on full speed. I would have entered the Lord’s place a bit more discretely.

But, she didn’t.  She also didn’t realize that there was a bump on the ground at the church’s entrance.

So, while driving full scooter speed, she hits this bump that she didn’t see was there, causing her to basically fly into the church, which then caused her head to fly back.  Then, she came to an abrupt stop.

What makes this even funnier is that a prayer was in session, you know, a time where silence is required.

People stopped and turned their heads to look at this person who just flew into their church, interrupting their moment of prayer.

Here is the visual for you again:

Photo Credit: wsrsolutions.com

My mom used all of her willpower not to bust up laughing so as not to interrupt the session (even though she clearly already did just that).

Here is her version of how it went: 

Ok funniest moment of my life! I used my scooter to get in the Church. I didn’t know there was a bump and I used my scooter at full speed to go in. I flew over the bump and landed in the Church with a loud bang. I look to my right, a lady’s looking at me, a Priest turns to look at me, it was prayer time. Candles are lit, and in I come with a crash. I look at my sister and used every being of my body not to bust out laughing. Then I had a hard time controlling myself so I snapped these photos and got the hell out

If I was there, there would be absolutely NO way I would have been able to contain my own laughter.  God I wish I was there to have seen this!

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