NetFlix Fridays

Girlfriends’ Guide To Divorce NetFlix TV Show

If I were to ever get a divorce, I would want to have friendships and support like these ladies do!


The show follows around a small group of rich friends (except maybe two), all of whom are divorced.

Abby McCarthey, the show’s main character, a 40 year old who is a famous writer for her self-help series, spends her now spare time finding new love and trying to figure out who she is in her middle-aged years and what it means to be a divorcee.

The series walks us through Abby as a writer, as a divorcee, and as a “single-mom”, and how her life shapes her writing.  She goes from writing a book, to writing guide columns, and finally, to writing to a romance novel, based on her romances of course.

All the other ladies are also looking for either love or sex.  They seem to struggle to find themselves following their divorces.

However, what I love about this show is that they still try their best to be happy, are there for their children, work (mostly) well with their exes, but most importantly, they are always there and supportive of each other.

Her friends, all divorced as well, struggle to find new love and along the way, new jobs.



Phoebe, a tall, rich, beautiful model who has no idea who she is or what she wants/needs.  She is definitely the most sexual of the group, as at one point she gets herself in a relationship with a couple and they all enjoy being in bed together.  She has a hard time finding a decent guy-the men she goes for are social, rich, and usually just as into sex as she is.

At some point during Season 3 (I believe), she meets a man who is the complete opposite of anyone she has ever been with-he has never had sex, he has social anxiety, and he is a little bit scrubby looking.  However, he ends up completely surprising her, as he turns out to be just what she needs/wants, and they eventually end up married.

The last episode of Season 3, though, hints at a possible breakup.  Please NO! I love them two together!

Delia, a high-profile lawyer also divorced, ends up finding love with a client, then finds love, or more so infatuation, with her boss while with her client, then almost marries said client, but then ends up single.  Yeah, she really has no idea what she wants.  Towards the end of the third season, she seems to be alone and enjoying it.

Jo, who actually comes in a bit later in the series, is an old friend of Abby’s who drops in on her and stays with Abby for awhile.  I think Jo is my favorite character because she is completely unlike the other three girls:  she is not rich, is not too serious, and has an amazing sense of humor and a rebel-like quality to her.

She will tell you how she feels with no sugar coating.  Due to her divorce, though, she has a difficult time putting her trust into another man, so she, like the others, sleeps around for the fun of it.

At some point during the third season, I thought for sure she found the man (her baker for her coffee shop) who is completely like her and who she trusts.

However, she ends up leaving him because she doesn’t believe he (or anyone) can truly love her and stay faithful to her.  I was upset at this because they were so good together! Definitely hate it when the series’ writers throw a curveball like that!

And Abby just doesn’t really know what she wants.  She ends up being more like Phoebe-having sex for the fun of it, but she tries harder to form new relationships.  She at one point even paid a male escort just to rub her feet and talk to her because he was such a good listener.  Later in the series, they end up getting in bed together, for free.

Abby, not truly knowing what she wants, has flings with her ex-husband, gets in bed with a male escort, tries to be with a rich, powerful doctor, and finally, ends up falling for her son’s baseball coach, only to leave him as well.  Also thought those two were going to be it and that she would finally find a new love-damn curveballs!


Again, what I REALLY love about this show is the support they all have for each other. All of them are middle-aged, but they still have a tight-knit group of extremely loving, caring, candid, and supportive friends.

I can only hope that I have a close-knit group of friends at that age, especially who are all going through life-changing events.

If you have not yet binge-watched Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, then I suggest you grab some popcorn, a soda, get comfy on the couch, and start your binge-watching!